A cartoon of people sitting at a table while someone replaces their window and another person wheels in an induction stove. The title reads: These new clean energy incentives have achieved the impossible — I'm actually looking forward to doing our taxes.

Related: Checklist: How to take advantage of brand-new clean energy tax credits

A cartoon of wind turbines with big green dollar signs as part of each turbine's base. There is a farmer standing to the side with a bucket of green paint. The title says: Maybe this will finally convince people it's a good investment.

Related: A cash crop that never runs out

A cartoon of someone poking their head into a lobby full of people. The person says, "Which one of you is here to see the representative about climate change?" Everyone in the lobby says, "I am."

Related: 13 tips for lobbying your elected officials about climate change

Tom Toro is a cartoonist and author. He has published over 200 cartoons in The New Yorker since 2010. His cartoons appear in Playboy, the Paris Review, the New York Times, American Bystander, and elsewhere....