In Christianity, the 40-day period leading up to Easter is called Lent. It’s traditionally a time of fasting and reflecting upon the sacrifices Jesus made.

And now some Christians participate in what they call a Lenten carbon fast.

“It’s a way to think more deeply about … the actions in our lives that contribute to climate change … and to give those up,” Brittany Michalski says.

Michalski helps run Climate Caretakers, a Christian organization that’s leading a carbon fast. Each week, her group poses a different challenge for participants.

Some challenges are material, such as giving up meat, cutting back on electricity, or buying less and donating what’s saved to environmental causes.

Other weeks, the call to action is more abstract. One week, people are encouraged to give up silence and commit to talking about global warming with friends, family, or elected leaders.

Michalski says the carbon fast provides a way for Christians who are concerned about climate change to unify their faith and their activism.

“We are created to be holistic beings, where our faith informs our actions and the way that we live our lives,” she says. “And the carbon fast is just one way to practice that.”

Reporting credit: Sarah Kennedy/ChavoBart Digital Media.